
open class LangfuseClient(secretKey: String = env["LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"] ?: TODO(), publicKey: String? = env["LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY"] ?: TODO(), val host: String = env["LANGFUSE_HOST"] ?: "")

LangfuseClient is a client library for interacting with the Langfuse API. It provides various APIs for accessing and managing resources within the Langfuse platform.


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constructor(secretKey: String = env["LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"] ?: TODO(), publicKey: String? = env["LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY"] ?: TODO(), host: String = env["LANGFUSE_HOST"] ?: "")

primary constructor, accepts secretKey, publicKey, and host with default values from system properties


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the host URL of the Langfuse API